Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fighting the Carb Monster

I'm really struggling this weekend--I really want carbs, I want to overeat, I want to comfort myself with food--like I did in the past with great success NOT--and I'm very sad and depressed. I did binge eat yesterday, but it was all proteins and I'm down two pounds. I still haven't broken 200. I'm very anxious and depressed. In-between trips to the fridge yesterday I stayed in bed all day.

I could use some support....thank you.


  1. Hello, Southside Girl here (I know, it shows a different name, these accounts are nuts). Anyway, just want to let you know I feel your pain! I, too, am a carbaholic and the only way I can stay sane is to NOT EAT THEM. I'm okay with a little fruit or something really grainy, but that processed stuff just sucks me in. I broke my jaw back in November and was confined to six weeks of high protein smoothies, soups, and eggs, and believe me, I went a little nuts after I got the arch bars out. I gained five pounds in ten days...thank God I had lost 11 during the break. Carbs just call to me, and it's tough with a husband who has never had a weight problem and a teenage son! But I am learning to cope, and you will too--and our best coping skill is to stay well away. Good luck, hang in there, and keep on keeping on! You are doing great!

    1. broke your jaw?! First, how did you do that? Second, what does healing entail? OMG. Did you lose/gain any weight? OMG, I'm so sorry. I hope you're feeling much, much better by now, my goodness. You just never know what's going to happen in our lives, that's for sure.

      Healing wishes,


  2. Thank you for the good wishes. I am well on the mend--just got the final release from my oral surgeon. I had an episode of low blood pressure as I was walking out of the bathroom one morning and passed out, so I fell straight forward and yes, landed on my chin, splitting it and breaking my jaw. Two breaks, one on each side, up high (one actually in the joint). They wired me shut for two weeks (total torture) by implanting these hideous arch bars (think Godzilla braces) into my jawbone through the gums. UGH! I had to feed myself with a syringe through a little open space where my wisdom teeth used to be. I could drink clear liquids through my teeth. I had to puree and strain everything. I lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks, dropping to 124lbs (I am 5'5") and a size 4. (I had been dieting all summer and hit my target weight one week before I fell.) I've gained back about seven pounds and am back to my usual size, with a little slack. They kept the implants in for another four weeks, using progressively looser rubber bands, but I couldn't really chew much until they came off (though I could eat smashed up stuff pretty decently). But it was so hard to clean my mouth and brush my teeth I only ate three times a day, and the syringe was such a hassle I got used to eating smaller meals. It was actually sort of nice to be free of the ability to eat anything, anytime. That's the problem for us food addicts--you have to eat to live. I could give it all up if that was possible... Keep moving forward, one step at a time. This, too, shall pass.

    1. Damn girl. That had to really hurt as well as suck. I'm so sorry. My sister had the flu when her kids were babies, got up to go pee, fainted, hit her face on the sink edge, bit through her tongue and lip, and killed a front tooth (it turned black. She had it bleached.), then had to go to the ER by herself because hubs had to stay with the babies. UGH!

      I'm so sorry this happened to you. but I'm so glad you're on the mend. HUGS!
